Vision is arguably the most important of the five senses; it plays a crucial role throughout childhood and beyond. Yet many parents don't understand how vision helps their children develop appropriately. Use these articles to proactively care for your child's eyes, spot potential trouble, and maximize the opportunity for crisp, convenient and healthy vision.
Low vision is the term used to describe reduced eyesight that cannot be fully corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses or eye surgery. The primary causes of low vision are eye diseases, but low vision also can be inherited or caused by an eye or brain injury.
Vision insurance is very different than normal health insurance. Vision insurance, on the other hand, is a wellness benefit designed to provide routine eye care, prescription eyewear and other vision-related services at little or no cost, depending on what you choose. Learn about your vision plan and how it works for you.
Whether or not you require vision correction, sunglasses are critical to eye protection from harmful UV rays that can lead to eyesight problems down the road. They can also add an element of comfort and enhanced performance to your activities, while helping you look fabulous!
Today there are more convenient and healthy contact lens choices than ever before. Whatever your vision challenge, it can probably be met with something in our array of specialty contact lenses. Ask the doctor about your contact lens options.
Today there are more convenient and healthy contact lens choices than ever before. Whatever your vision challenge, it can probably be met with something in our array of specialty contact lenses. Ask the doctor about your contact lens options.
Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? Today, several surgical methods can correct your eyesight and, in most cases, give you the freedom of seeing well without corrective lenses.
The struggle between fashion and function is officially declared a tie! Never before have eyeglass frames been offered in so many stylish choices. Yet, you'll be amazed at how many options are at your fingertips to help you see well, and protect your vision.
Eye problems can range from mild to severe; some are chronic, while others may resolve on their own, never to appear again. The articles below will give you a basic understanding of some of these problems and their implications. The cardinal rule is if your eyes don't look good, feel good or see well, you should visit your doctor.
If you are among the 85 million Baby Boomers in the United States and Canada (born between 1946 and 1964), you've probably noticed your eyes have changed. Most notably, presbyopia - the normal, age-related loss of near focusing ability - usually becomes a problem in our 40's, requiring new vision correction solutions. Learn about measures you can take to keep seeing clearly for years to come.
Just as our physical strength decreases with age, our eyes also exhibit an age-related decline in performance - particularly as we reach our 60's and beyond. Some age-related eye changes are perfectly normal, but others may signal a disease process. It's important to recognize signs and symptoms, and perhaps even more important to mitigate the effects of aging with some simple and common-sense strategies.
Sports eyewear can give you the performance edge you're seeking for just about any sport. But make sure you get the eye protection you need as well. And after you're fit for the right eyewear, you might want to take your game up a notch with the same kind of vision training used by professional athletes.